Financial abuse is a type of domestic violence that can cause significant problems during a marriage. The Family Code in California classifies financial abuse as a form of coercive control, which can significantly affect divorce cases. Understanding financial abuse...
Domestic Violence
How a domestic violence restraining order can affect a divorce
People who have experienced domestic violence are often anxious about leaving their abusers. Spouses of those who become volatile and aggressive may worry that attempting to leave could result in an escalation of abuse. That fear has a foundation in statistical...
Leaving the marriage when you think you cannot afford it
An unfortunate situation that we see all too often. The marriage has broken down, and one of the spouses, let’s assume in this case, the wife, wants to leave the marriage because her husband is abusing her. Still, she cannot afford to divorce him. This is a couple who...
Asking for a restraining order to protect children
Parents who have left a marriage where domestic violence was involved may be concerned for the safety of their children. If a child’s safety is threatened, parents should immediately inform the authorities. In some cases, California parents can also file for a...
Domestic violence and abuse come in many forms
Marriage is meant to be a lifelong commitment. However, people change as the years go by, and a spouse could turn out to be an entirely different person than in the initial stages of the relationship. Problems in a romantic relationship can trigger intense feelings....
Domestic violence is never acceptable
In a perfect world, spouses support each other and never have a disagreement. In the real world, however, this is not the case. Every marriage in California has its ups and downs. Unfortunately, not all spouses handle marital challenges in the appropriate way....
6 types of domestic violence
It takes a tremendous amount of courage for victims to speak about their domestic abuse. However, some stay silent because they do not notice the signs. Domestic violence covers a wide array of behaviors that enforces control and power over an intimate partner. In...
How does domestic violence impact support and property division?
Domestic violence is an unfortunate part of many California family law cases. Domestic violence can be terrible for victims, and criminal charges can do extensive damage to the life of the accused. When a marriage ends with a history of these allegations, it is...
Will a restraining order or order of protection help DV victims?
For married domestic violence victims, the first step to freedom is usually a restraining order or an order of protection. And, many DV victims believe the last step is divorce. Indeed, the “just leave” mentality has become so pervasive that even DV victims do not...
Can domestic violence affect alimony?
Spousal support, also known as alimony, can be a difficult topic in divorce. No one likes the idea of a court telling them to make regular payments to their ex-spouse, especially if the divorce was acrimonious. What if the marriage was abusive? Can you be ordered to...