Financial abuse: How it affects your divorce

Financial abuse is a type of domestic violence that can cause significant problems during a marriage. The Family Code in California classifies financial abuse as a form of coercive control, which can significantly affect divorce cases. 

Understanding financial abuse

Financial abuse involves controlling a spouse’s ability to get, use or keep money and assets. This control can show up in many ways, such as: 

  • Blocking access to finances: Stopping you from using joint bank accounts or credit cards. 
  • Monitoring spending: Closely checking your spending and asking about every purchase. 
  • Hiding financial information: Keeping you in the dark about family finances, debts or investments. 
  • Interfering with your job: Getting in the way of your work or career growth. 

These actions can leave you financially dependent and vulnerable, making it vital to deal with the abuse during the divorce. 

Legal help in California

California law gives several protections for victims of financial abuse. Under the California Family Code, courts can give orders that address financial abuse. These orders can: 

  • Decide use of property: Choose who gets to use or control real or personal property during the divorce. 
  • Assign debt: Identify debts from financial abuse and assign who’s responsible. 
  • Protect financial resources: Ensure your access to financial resources isn’t unfairly limited. 

These steps aim to give back your financial autonomy and ensure a fair division of assets. 

Steps to take

If you’re facing financial abuse, think about these steps: 

  • Document everything: Keep detailed records of all financial abuse, including emails, texts and bank statements. 
  • Consider legal advice: Talk to a family law lawyer who can guide and help you understand your rights. 
  • File a restraining order: If needed, file for a court order to protect your money interests and safety. 

Dealing with financial abuse in a divorce needs careful planning and legal support. If you need more information or help, consider consulting legal counsel.