Although California family laws are one size fits all, high-asset divorces are notoriously messier because there are more resources to fight over. The appraisal, separation and distribution of multiple assets are one thing, but high wealth individuals may be on the...
Firm News
Will mediation work for me?
When it comes to divorce, you have many options for how you handle the division of property and finalize arrangements for custody, child support and visitation. You can go through traditional divorce litigation, which is a time-consuming and expensive process, or you...
Should you ask for spousal support when getting a divorce?
Sometimes, people may be shy about requesting spousal support as part of their divorce agreement. They might have concerns that doing so will make them look lazy or greedy. However, if you’ve made sacrifices in your relationship to benefit your ex, you deserve to...
When bankruptcy and divorce are both on the way
For most people, divorce represents a messy collection of marital problems and life transitions encapsulated in that one word. Bankruptcy, on the other hand, speaks to financial distress that may affect an individual or a couple for a variety of reasons. When both...
Online Video Court Hearings And Consultations Now Available
Due to the state response to the COVID pandemic, under certain circumstances California courts now allow judges and attorneys to use video and telephone conferencing to conduct depositions and discovery hearings in divorce and other family law proceedings. However,...