Protecting Your Interests And Rights
Going through a divorce proceeding or legal separation and dealing with the distribution of marital assets and property is a challenging process. At Christy, Keith & Donnell Family Law Group, P.C., we work with people facing life’s toughest challenges every day.
Having competent legal representation is crucial to safeguarding your financial and proprietary interests.
How Marital Property Law Works
In California, upon divorce, each spouse generally takes his or her separate property and marital property is divided equally. Separate property includes property acquired before marriage, any appreciation in value it has earned, or property acquired through gift or inheritance.
People often do not realize that most property acquired during marriage is marital property subject to equal distribution, even if the property is held only in the name of one spouse. Any equity that is accrued during marriage, including any amount in home equity, pension plans, or retirement funds, is also considered marital property, which is subject to division without regard to whether or not one or both spouses contributed financially to its acquisition.
Our attorneys have significant knowledge, experience, and skills in the family law arena, handling a wide array of divorce cases, ranging from simple divorces where the parties have no assets to multi-million dollar estates with significant business assets and interests.
Call Us To Start Talking
We will evaluate your financial situation and help you obtain the most favorable distribution. Protecting your rights and financial interests starts by meeting with an attorney. Call us in Oakland at 510-617-0479 . Or send us an email with a brief description of your circumstances. We will schedule a consultation as soon as possible.