Domestic violence can affect California families in many ways. It can cause lasting emotional and mental problems for the victims of the abuse. It can also affect children who may just see the domestic violence occur. People may know that it also can affect parts of...
Month: May 2022
How to defend yourself against allegations of cohabitation
You sacrificed a lot to raise your family and support your spouse. When divorce occurs, you should be compensated for those efforts, especially if you’re going to struggle to be self-sufficient after your marriage dissolves. You may be able to obtain the support that...
How is collaborative divorce different from traditional divorce?
When people start going through a divorce, their first thoughts may go to gearing up for a fight. Divorces can be emotional and people may want to make their spouse pay for why the marriage is ending. There are others who may still be upset and emotional, but do not...
Can domestic violence impact my divorce?
Tragically, physical, emotional, and financial abuse is part of many California marriages. When a spouse decides that they have had enough of the turmoil within their marriage, they may file for divorce to end the relationship once and for all. While California is a...