Getting Legal Separation Agreements Right
Under California law, when a couple is contemplating the termination of their marriage, they have two options: divorce or legal separation.
Attorneys at Christy, Keith & Donnell Family Law Group, P.C. have extensive experience drafting separation agreements that protect the rights and interests of our clients.
Why Legal Separation?
Legal separation is often the first step in a divorce, or may be an alternative to divorce for couples who for personal, religious or financial reasons do not wish to end the legal marriage. Since legal separation does not terminate the marital relationship, when the legal separation is finalized, the parties may not remarry.
The legal separation proceeding itself is similar to divorce and serves to decide matters such as child custody and parenting time, child support, and spousal support. With legal separation, the court will also divide the marital assets, and subsequent to the proceeding, the parties will not acquire further rights in the community property; in other words, they will no longer have a right to property held or obtained by the other spouse.
In addition, legal separation serves to terminate any other legal rights and responsibilities of marriage, unless provided otherwise in the judgment.
If you are contemplating divorce or legal separation, our attorneys can help you evaluate your options and decide upon the best avenue to help you achieve your goals and safeguard the interests of you and your children.
Contact Us To Learn More
Call us in Oakland at 510-617-0479 .Or contact our offices by email today.