Protecting Your Interests Starts With The Right Divorce Lawyer
Christy, Keith & Donnell Family Law Group, P.C. helps couples navigate the legal, emotional, and financial challenges that divorce may bring.
It is important to consult with an attorney early in the process to protect yourself and your family, both emotionally and financially.
Wherever You Are In The Process
Some of our clients are only thinking about getting a divorce but need more information. Consulting with an attorney does not mean you have to get divorced or that you have decided on divorce, but it allows you to have the essential tools and knowledge to make an informed decision. All consultations are confidential and private.
We are ready to help you with every area of divorce, including:
- Legal separation agreement
- Custody rights
- Division of marital propertyand debt
- Child and Spousal support
Other couples come to us after they have mutually agreed upon divorce and need guidance on how to go through the process in the least traumatizing way. We work with clients to dissolve their marriage in the most collaborative process possible, avoiding the costly and emotionally-trying adversarial court system. Unfortunately, however, not all dissolutions are amicable, and we have the expertise to vigorously protect your children, assets, and interests in court.
Start By Contacting Us
At Christy, Keith & Donnell Family Law Group, we offer experienced and compassionate legal representation. Call us in Oakland at 510-617-0479 . Or contact us by email right away. We zealously advocate to protect your rights and promote the best interests of you and your children.