Pros and cons to divorce mediation

When it becomes hard for spouses to envision a future together, ending the marriage amicably could be the most sensible solution. Yet, regardless of circumstances, divorce is painful emotionally and can also be expensive. Divorce mediation is an alternative means of resolving disputes in a less volatile and less expensive manner. But just like anything in life, there are pros and cons to divorce mediation in California. 


Mediation is a process in which divorcing spouses meet with an independent, third-party mediator who helps the couple negotiate and work out the details of their divorce. Two primary benefits to divorce mediation are that it can save a couple much time and money. With mediation, the matter is kept out of court. A traditional litigated divorce can drag on for months, so if couples agree to mediate, they stand to save both time and money. 


Although mediation has many benefits, there are also some cons to this process. Technically, mediation is not a legal proceeding so spouses go in without the benefit of having documentation to prove assets, debts and income. Unfortunately, this may make it easier for a vindictive or manipulative angry spouse to hide assets and financial information. Also, both spouses are on a level playing field in mediation. If one spouse was controlling or abusive, the weaker spouse may struggle to get a fair settlement through mediation. 

Professional assistance 

Overall, mediation is a good method to divorce amicably if spouses are willing to work together to reach a common goal. Although there is no way to avoid the impact that a divorce can have on a family, mediation can help to minimize the damage. Those in California who have questions or want to learn more about mediation could benefit by contacting an experienced and knowledgeable family law attorney.