Domestic violence is a problem that can shatter a family’s dynamics. For married couples, domestic violence could spell the end of the relationship, leading to a divorce case that could become emotional and complex in a hurry. When children are involved, domestic violence allegations will loom large in any disputes about child custody. For couples who aren’t married, the abuse victim may want to secure a restraining order to attempt to make sure the abuse stops. In many ways, domestic violence can become a legal issue that you need to address sooner rather than later.
Taking action
At our law firm, we understand that domestic violence, while somewhat common, is always an issue that is unique to you and your family. This means unique options may need to be considered to satisfactorily address the issue in any given case. When you feel the need to take action when domestic violence arises in your relationship, our law firm may be able to help with an assessment of potential options in your case.
Physical violence is just one aspect of domestic abuse. There are other potential forms as well, including mental or psychological abuse, financial abuse or even sexual abuse. At our law firm, we understand that it takes courage for our clients to talk about these issues that can so profoundly impact their lives.
For more information, please visit the domestic violence overview section of our law firm’s website. Any California resident who is suffering from domestic violence needs to know that they may have options to pursue. We work with our clients to attempt to help them find options that work in their own unique circumstances.